May 02, 2011

How to Dodge the Bullet When You're Shopping for Car Insurance Quotes Online

How to Dodge the Bullet When You're Shopping for Car Insurance Quotes Online
On a scale from one to ten, how big a risk would you say you're taking when you go shopping for car insurance quotes online? One? Five? Eleven? Are you literally leaving your financial future in the hands of an inhuman, uncaring computer that doesn't know you from Adam and isn't going to think twice about cleaning out your bank account each month?
All right, settle down. No one's out there screaming conspiracy theory. At least, not very loudly. The simple fact of the matter is, you lose something when you choose to go shopping for car insurance quotes online instead of working with an agent. That loss doubles when you buy your policy directly rather than taking the time to pick up the phone.
You're busy. You have better things to do with your time than spend it on the telephone calling car insurance companies. That being the case, it's important to know how to dodge the bullet and keep from getting raked across the coals when you go shopping for car insurance quotes online.
Shopping online (for almost anything) is easier. But what are you really giving up?
First and foremost, check out the companies you're sending a quote request to. Thanks to the Internet, it doesn't take much to find out whether a company's on the up and up or if you're walking into a minefield. Blogs, Tweets, Facebook posts-all of them will give you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth directly from the lips of drivers who already count on their insurer to get their back when they're out on the highway. Trust me, no one's opinion is going to be more ruthlessly honest than theirs.
Next, take the time to do a little homework. The number one reason drivers end up paying too much when they try to shop for car insurance quotes online is a lack of facts. They don't understand their car's safety features. They don't know what additions were made by previous owners. Even more common is a complete lack of understanding about how their personal life is going to affect the price they pay for their insurance coverage.
For example, did you know you'll pay less for your insurance coverage if you shovel out the garage and actually make room for your car? That is, of course, assuming you actually decide to park there when you're done. How about the fact that teachers and engineers pay less for coverage because they're statistically less likely to be in an accident? And since it's not illegal (yet), did you know that your credit score can help (or hurt) your insurance premiums?
Finally, shop around. It's a well known secret that every insurer in the business promises they have the best rates. News flash: It's not true. If every insurer offered the best rates their rates would all be the same. Shopping for car insurance quotes would be redundant. Since they're not, it pays to take advantage of the convenience of shopping for car insurance quotes online and get several second opinions before signing on the dotted line.
Shopping for car insurance quotes online is quick. It's easy. It's convenient. And if you do your homework, it's a great way to get a great deal on your insurance without having to spend hours on research and barter your soul away while you're at it.